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Research Publications – EEE

Department of EEE
S. No List of Publications:
1 Ezhilmaran M,Vishnupriyan J,Ettappan M,Kirubashankar K 2021 “ Analysis of electromagnetic wave with right handed meta-Material” Journal of Computational and theoretical nano science, American scientific publishers DOI .org/10.1166/jctn.2020.9259
2 Saravanan P., Kumar N.M., Ettappan M., Dhanagopal R., Vishnupriyan J. 2020 “Effect of exhaust gas re-circulation on performance, emission and combustion characteristics of ethanol-fueled diesel engine” Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 10.1016/j.csite.2020.100643
3 Ettappan M., Vimala V., Ramesh S., Kesavan V.T. 2020 “Optimal reactive power dispatch for real power loss minimization and voltage stability enhancement using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm” Microprocessors and Microsystems
4 Dr. A. Srinivasan, 2019, “A Novel Technique For Stiction Detection And Compensation In Pneumatically Actuated Control Valve ” Journal of EEE, 1582-4594
5 Dr. A. Srinivasan 2020, “Optimal Design Selection And Analysis Of Single Sided Linear Induction Motor” Journal of EEE 1582-4594
6 Murugan N., Sivakumar R., Yukesh G., Vishnupriyan J.2020,” Recognition of Character from Handwritten” 2020 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2020 10.1109/ICACCS48705.2020.9074424
7 Vishnupriyan J., Raghuraman R., Ettappan M., Murugan N. 2020 “Automated detection and rescue system for road accidents “ International Journal of Control and Automation 13(2)
8 Saravanan P., Kumar N.M., Ettappan M., Dhanagopal R., Vishnupriyan J. 2020 “Effect of exhaust gas re-circulation on performance, emission and combustion characteristics of ethanol-fueled diesel engine” Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 10.1016/j.csite.2020.100643
9 Poornima j, Vishnupriyan J Vijayadhasan G.K, Ettappan M 2020” Voice assisted smart vision stick for visually impaired”  International Journal of control and automation 2020 13(2)
10 Archana N., Keerthivasan G., Janakiraman B. 2020 “SAO Filter in HEVC: A survey”  6th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2020 10.1109/ICACCS48705.2020.9074373
11 Krishnakumar B, Vishnu Priyan J,Chidambarathanu K,Vasudevan K R 2020 “ Experimental investigations of high efficiency smart solar tunnel dryer system” AIP Conference Proceedings 2020
12 Sudharsan G.S., Vishnupriyan J., Anand K.V. 2020 “Active flow control in Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine using PI-R controllers “ 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2020
13 Rajvikram M., Vishnupriyan J. 2020 “ Coordinative control of tuned fuzzy logic and modified sliding mode controller in pmsg-based wind turbines” Lecture Notes in EEE
14 Senthil Kumar M., Vishnupriyan J., Kumar N.M. 2020 “ Model predictive control strategy-based voltage sensing of quasi Z-source cascaded multi-level PV inverter with distributed MPPT algorithm “  International Journal of Renewable Energy Research
15 Dhinakaran V., Partheeban P., Raguraman D., Shree M.V., Sai M.S. 2020 “Powering Sustainable Development Through the Integration of Teaching and Research in Engineering Education” 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2020 10.1109/ICACCS48705.2020.9074449
16 Kumar N.M., Vishnupriyan J., Sundaramoorthi P. 2019 “ Techno-economic optimization and real-time comparison of sun tracking photovoltaic system for rural healthcare building “ Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
17 Arun Peter. J, Keerthi Vijayadhasan. G 2019 “Design of an energy efficient campus based on  energy audit report “International Journal of Engineering & Technology
18  M.Ettappan and R.Nafeena , 2020 “Integer Linear Programming and Genetic Algorithm   (GA) for the optimum placement of phasor measuring units for smart grid” IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 993 (2020), 10.1088/1757-899X/993/1/012070.
19  M.Ettappan, K.Somasundaram, S.Annie Grace Vimala, V.Vimala, “Vehicle to Vehicle Charging with New Perspective for Power Transfer” Tierärztliche Praxis, ISSN: 0303-6286, Vol 40, 2020, 2025-2036.
20  V.Vimala and M.Ettappan, 2020 “A Text Based Natural Dialogue System using Entity Retrieval in News Documents”, International Journal of Control and Automation, ISSN 2005-4297,Vol. 13, No. 2, (2020), pp. 468 – 477.
21 M.Ettappan and V.Vimala, 2020 “An Intelligent Real Time Monitoring of Coal Conveyor System” , International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing, ISSN 2005-4262,Vol. 13, No. 1, (2020), pp. 506-513.
22 S.VinothKumar J.Vishnupriyan, M.Ettappan A.Dhanasekaran”, Modeling and          Realization of Single Switch Bridgeless Sepic Converter”, International Journal of Future  Generation Communication and Networking, ISSN 22337857, Vol. 13, No. 2, (2020), pp. 317 – 325.
23 V.Vimala, M.Ettappan and K.Ramar, 2019 “An Intelligent Sleep Apnea Classification System Based on EEG Signals”,Springer, Journal of Medical Systems, ISSN 0148-5598,  vol 43, no 36 pp. 2-9.
24 AK Karmaker, M Hossain, N Manoj Kumar, J. Vishnupriyan, A Jayakumar, 2020 “Analysis of Using Biogas Resources for Electric Vehicle Charging in Bangladesh: A Techno-Economic-Environmental Perspective,” Sustainability
25 J. Vishnupriyan, A Jayakumar and KS Srinivasan, 2020 “Estimation of Daily Global Solar Radiation (DGSR) in Different Cities of Tamil Nadu,” Green Buildings and Sustainable Engineering, Springer Transactions in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Springer.
26 G. Keerthi Vijayadhasan J. Vishnupriyan, R. Raghuraman, T. Thandapani, 2020 “Techno-economic feasibility investigation on hybrid system using HOMER,” International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, 13(1).
27 J. Vishnupriyan G. Keerthi Vijayadhasan, T. Thanadapani, R. Raghuraman, 2020 “Harmonic estimation using radial basis function neural network,” International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, 13 (1).
28 J. Vishnupriyan, S. Vinoth Kumar, R. Raghuraman, G. Keerthi Vijayadhasan, 2020 “Comparative analysis on developments in Maximum Power Point Tracking Techniques,” International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, 13 (2).
29 Dr.M.Ettappan et al. 2021,  “Reparation of voltage disturbance using PR controller based DVR in Modern power systems”  Production Engineering Archives, 2021 27(1) 16-29, 10.30657/pea.2021.27.3
29 Dr.M.Ettappan et al. 2021,  “Reparation of voltage disturbance using PR controller based DVR in Modern power systems”  Production Engineering Archives, 2021 27(1) 16-29, 10.30657/pea.2021.27.3
29 Dr.M.Ettappan et al. 2021,  “Reparation of voltage disturbance using PR controller based DVR in Modern power systems”  Production Engineering Archives, 2021 27(1) 16-29, 10.30657/pea.2021.27.3
30 Dr.M.Ettappan, Dr.G.Maheswaran, V.Vimala, “Design of Buck Converter and PV Module for Solar Powered Sailing Boat” Journal of Physics: Conference series 2027 (2021) 012023 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2027/1/012023.
31 Dr.G.Maheswaran, and Dr.M.Ettappan, “Effective DC link voltage variations for renewable power application” Journal of Physics: Conference series 2027(2021) 012018 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2027/1/012018.
32 Dr.M.Ettappan, et al, “Analysis of intelligent Controllers for juice flow process in a sugar industry” Advances in intelligent system and computing, 2021, 1369, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-1335-78
33 Dr.M.Ettappan and V.Vimala “Optimal reactive power dispatch for real power loss minimization and voltage stability enhancement using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm”, Microprocessors and Microsystems, Elsevier, ISSN 0141-9331, 2020, Vol 76.
34 Dr.M.Ettappan et al  “Effect of exhaust gas re-circulation on performance, emission and combustion characteristics of ethanol-fueled diesel engine”, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Elsevier, (2020) 100643, ISSN 2214-157X.
35 Dr.M.Ettappan et al, ‘Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch for Real Power Loss Minimization and Voltage Stability Enhancement Using Gravitational Search Algorithm’, International journal of soft computing, ISSN 1816-9503, vol.8, issue 6, pp.393-399.
36 Dr.M.Ettappan et al ‘Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch using differential Evolution with Global and Local Neighborhood Based Optimization’, European Journal of Scientific Research. ISSN 1450-216X, vol. 94, no 2, pp.218-225.
37 Dr.M.Ettappan et al ‘Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Optimal   Reactive Power Dispatch’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562, vol.7, no.12, pp.1413-1420.
38 Dr.M.Ettappan et al ‘Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch using Bacterial Foraging Algorithm’, International Journal of Electrical Engineering, ISSN 0974-2158, vol. 5, no. 2, pp.221-229.
39 Dr.M.Ettappan et al ‘A Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Reactive Power Compensation’, International Journal of Electrical Engineering, ISSN 0974-2158,Vol.5, no. 6, pp.723-732.
Admission 2025